Trim & chop the spring onions & start frying in olive oil for about 4-5 min until starting getting soft.
Add the (frozen) peas & fry for another 3-4 min. (If using fresh peas think of planning additional time for removing the peapods.)
Remove the skin of the salmon (if necessary) w/ an extra sharp knife; dice the salmon & add to the spring onion-pea-mess. Add salt & pepper to taste. Fry for another 3-4 min.
Add maccheroni to the mess.
Add fish stock & cream & dried dill to the mess & bring it to a boil.
Fry/cook/simmer for about 8-9 min - until almost all the liquid is absorbed by the maccheroni. (According to my pasta package short maccheroni need about 8-9 min ... if using any other pasta check the recommendation on its package.)
Add pepper to taste.
Servings: It's meant as a lunch for 2 persons, but it may be enough for 3 people. (It's also fine for any weekday dinner ... or whenever!)