My better half & I, staying in Mallorca for about a month in 2021, happened to be in Santa Maria del Camí on Sunday. Sunday is market-day. So we strolled along the market, a big market stretching from the Església Parroquial to Església y Convento de la Soledad – almost, the last part means walking along a small alleyway, one of these typical small, deserted streets in Mallorca’s villages. (As soon as 2 cars happen to meet managing abilities & driving skills are required.)

Above you get an impression of the Església Parroquial – below it’s the Església y Convento de la Soledad.

We decided to walk from clocktower to clocktower while shopping leisurely on the market.
The Església Parroquial was founded in the 13th century & subsequently reconstructed & prettified. It’s an imposing building surrounded by a small parc.

The Església y Convento de la Soledad was founded in the 17th century. Today you cannot enter the premises situated at the main street of Santa Maria del Camí. When circling the block you’ll find 2 gates giving view to the monastery.

Now the market …
This is only one of the rows filled with stalls. (There are more rows …) Lots of people, locals as well as expats or tourists obviously like the market.

There is a variety of fruit & vegetables … I had to contain myself not to start an enormous shopping spree! The photos show only a small extract of the offers … All is very fresh & tempting.

The next temptation are, of course, cheese & ham, gammon, bacon … sausages – not to mention fresh olives, dried tomatoes … & bread (also cakes even if not in the photos!). The icing on the cake are bottles of olive oil, fresh herbs, dried herbs … whatever you like. Most of it made by artisanal food producers.
We stocked up on cheese & bread & olives & dried tomatoes.
We didn’t go for lunch or dinner in a restaurant each day – we liked to have some fresh green salad w/ fine bread & some cheese … some olives especially in the evening.

Another part of the market is devoted to non-food. It starts w/ displaying bowls & plates – and there are also lots of stalls w/ clothes.

You may easily spent some hours on the market: at 1st getting some sort of overview, then discussing where to buy which food, finally filling your backpack w/ delicacies.