savoury delights with rice

anytime – made from potatoes, rice & pecorino in a crust

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I got another idea when roaming Giulia Scarpaleggia’s cookbook about Tuscany based on her food blog Jul’s Kitchen. It’s this absolutely delicious & substantial tart you may serve together w/ green salad or any mixed salad as well as cheese platters or a cold meats selection or any roasted meat… When planning a buffet think of such a tart – it’s more interesting than only plain bread… well: of course – nothing is wrong w/ fresh crispy bread…



In the cookbook a real big tart is baken in a 26 cm springform. I thought about it & decided that for me & my better half a smaller version (18 cm springform) will do.


For the record:
My better half & I had the tart as side dish for 2 meals & the rest went into the freezer. Each of us had each time 1/8 of the tart – it’s deliciously filling.


Furthermore I made an easy approach: I didn’t start w/ preparing my own crust from the scratch, but relied to a ready-for-baking yeast dough from my trusted food store.

My very first steps: prepare the yeast dough according to the instruction, roll it out, cut out a circle for the bottom & the edge of my springform. It fitted nicely in the slightly oiled springform. The rest of the dough was put together & rolled out again to get a top cover.



What do we need subsequently?

It’s only:

  • potatoes
  • rice
  • pecorino
  • ricotta
  • 2 eggs… (1 for the filling & 1 for the top).

We start w/ preheating the oven to 160° C w/ fan.

We grate the pecorino.

We dice the potatoes.

While the rice & the potatoes are cooking (for about 10 – 15 min) in salted water until soft, we mix the ricotta, the egg & the grated pecorino.

We add the cooked potatoes & the rice after having drained the mess thoroughly.



The mess will march in the springform.

We put the top circle of dough on top & prick it w/ a fork.



After having brushed the 2nd egg all over the top the springform marches into the oven for about 45 – 50 min.



After the oven session let it cool for about 10 min. Then open the springform & transfer the tart to its final plate (or store it temporarily on a cooling rack for a while…).





anytime - made from potatoes, rice & pecorino in a crust
Prep Time40 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
  • 1 crust - ready for baking (pizza size)
  • some olive oil
  • 75 g rice
  • 180 - 200 g potatoes
  • 150 g ricotta
  • 50 - 60 g finely grated pecorino
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg (on top)
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 springform (18 cm)
how to:
  • Oil the springform slightly.
  • Prepare the yeast dough for the crust according to the instruction. Roll out the dough as thin as possible & cut out a cricle fitting in the springform (bottom & edge). Knead together the rest of the dough & roll out again for the top of the tart.
  • Put the dough in the springform (bottom & edge).
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.
  • Peel & trim & dice the potatoes.
  • Cook potatoes & rice in salted water until soft (about 10 - 15 min). Then drain the mess.
  • Grate the pecorino.
  • Mix ricotta, egg & pecorino.
    Add the drained potatoes & the rice.
    Add salt & pepper to taste.
  • Fill the mess into the springform & cover the mess w/ the dough for the top. Prick the top w/ a fork.
  • Let it bake for about 45 - 50 min.
  • After about 10 min of cooling open the springform & transfer the tart to a cooling rack or the serving plate.
Prep Time: includes all the preparations i. e. also the cooking of the potatoes & the rice.
Cook Time: only the oven session of the tart.
Crust: I used a ready for baking yeast dough (also used for pizza or quiche). TThe crust was meant for a pizza of about 26 - 28 cm.
Rice: I had arborio rice i. e. risotto rice.
The tart may be served hot, warm or cold (i. e. room temperature).
The tart may be stored on kitchen top for at least 2 days.
When storing in the fridge (also about 2 days) the tart gets firmer.
You may freeze slices of the tart; defrost at room temperature.


(information on equipment)



The tart is soft, but doesn’t crumble – or even collapse – when cut into thin slices… pieces… whatever.




The businesswoman w/ too many office hours thinks 

We tried pieces of the tart w/ lemon flavored mozzarella – a pleasure of freshness! Later on we had some fried fillet of fish w/ a savory sauce – also fine.

The leftovers – cut appropriately – marched into the freezer.