savoury delights

about aubergine involtini turning into aubergine lasagna

Once I noticed some mouth-watering photos of aubergine involtini i. e. you cut an aubergine lengthwise into thin slices, roast them in the oven, fill some ricotta or whatever inside & roll them up. Then the involtini are placed in a casserole w/ some tomato sauce on the bottom & grated cheese on top & baked. I decided to give it a try. Pondering how to proceed I stumbled across some details. How to manage…

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just pasta savoury delights

once again – tomato sauce

What happened some time ago? My food blog came into life in 2015 – long ago. About 2 years ago or so I realized that there were (too!) many posts w/ lots of photos requiring more & more storage making e. g. updates of the data base somewhat tricky. So I decided to do an internal review resulting in deleting quite a lot of posts & trimming down my blog. (To be honest: when starting…

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savoury delights

stocking up on tomato sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. This photo w/ fresh pasta & my home-made tomato sauce is real & up-to-date w/ this post. It is one of the most trivial photos in the food blogging universe (I think). It is simple: apart from cooking pasta – I always use classic Italian pasta made only from flour (durum wheat) & water – you only need a good tomato sauce & all is fine. A photo presenting…

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savoury delights

parmigiana di melanzane between lasagne sheets

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – Advertising. Some time ago on her blog eat in my kitchen Meike Peters (I wrote about her books) presented a perfect recipe for parmigiana di melanzane. I decided to try it & announced likewise alongside. My better half, not a real aubergine lover, thought about it & asked if we might add some pasta … So I grabbed not only aubergines, tomato sauce & cheese, but also some lasagne sheets…

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