savoury delights soups

asian flavored stock & soup …

As before I happened to lay hands on beef for making soup (once more!) – so I decided (once more!) to use this beef for a basic stock, however, this time w/ lots of Asian flavors. What to do w/ such a stock?I used it for an Asian soup … you know: one of these bowls filled w/ vegetables, noodles & some delicacies. (My next post will show 2 more Asian soups!). Let’s start w/…

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savoury delights

how to do ham …

Over the years I created several posts about ham … Now we are approaching Xmas season – so I thought that some sort of roundup might be quite a good idea, because a delicious big chunk of ham is appropriate for any winter get-together if before Xmas, during Xmas or after Xmas. In general the process to create a ham dinner is always the same – so I’ll present 2 different results … one is…

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