savoury delights

butternut mash – savory with cheese or sweet & spicy

My favorites for working with pumpkin are still hokkaido and butternut. Especially for a creamy result, like soft mashed potatoes, butternut is the best choice. Above there is a butternut mash with red onions, bacon & goat cheese. Below there is another butternut mash, the sweet & spicy version with Asian flavors & ham & shrimps. Any butternut mash you serve like mashed potatoes together with meat or fish … or other vegetables, however, you…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta all’amatriciana – my way

What means all’ amatriciana? Wikipedia says it’s simply pasta w/ tomatoes, bacon & pecorino from the Italian town of Amatrice – made w/ spaghetti. My travel companion wrote that it’s one of the distinguished pasta dishes of Roman cuisine … made w/ bucatini. During our Rome adventure I had bucatini all’ amatriciana for dinner: it was delicious!Back home I decided to give it a try in my kitchen … (after consulting my cookbooks …) Starting…

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just pasta savoury delights

simply fried noodles

There are lots of temptations when roaming my trusted food store: fried noodles ready for serving are everywhere – if deep frozen w/ vegetables & meat or shrimps (ready for the microwave), if in the fresh section (also ready for the microwave or the frying pan), if dried (ready for adding water and marching in a pan or pot … the instant way of noodles). Also you may get freshly prepared fried noodles from one…

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savoury delights

toast & spinach & egg

Hungry? Crispy toast … a creamy spinach-cheese-bacon mess … a baked egg still soft … Sometimes when it’s only me & myself for lunch I like to prepare some simple toast: easy to assemble, fast to prepare, but appeasing my appetite w/o working like a stone in my stomach afterwards. (Furthermore these toasts are also welcome for my better half & me during weekend breakfasts … in varying designs.) All starts always w/ a nice…

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savoury delights

beef & wine … more wine!

I read about Boeuf Bourguignon in Julia Child’s cooking bible (in my cookbooks) & started thinking how to do it – a modest version of course. Instead of a dutch oven I decided to do it in my slow cooker meaning that I prepare the ingredients, put everything in my slow cooker & start the high temp program. Afterwards the slow cooker will sit in a corner on my kitchen counter daydreaming … no need…

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savoury delights soups

showery weather soup: quick & dirty!

We are back in Germany! It’s October now & suddenly it’s rainy, cold, stormy – sometimes the sun reappears resulting in some warming feeling … but then suddenly the temperature drops again … & raindrops keep falling on your head. That’s exactly the time for a hot soup keeping you warm & comfortable! I remembered my very first approaches to create creamy pumpkin soup … so here’s the recipe for 4 small bowls of soft…

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just pasta savoury delights

approaching one pot pasta – in the south

In the south – we are now in Northern Spain … & when roaming on my blog I found this recipe which I adapted somewhat for a dinner. (I worked w/ tortellini, Spanish bacon, white onions … & it was fine!) However, let’s start w/ a streamlined version of the original recipe! My very 1st encounter w/ one-pot-pasta: my better half & I got a food & wine basket as a present from friends containing…

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saissac & a flat quiche

We are still in Southern France in the region of Carcassonne … Saissac means – first of all – Le Château de Saissac resp. the medieval fortifications i. e. the ruins of it. (You may walk the site – unfortunately we went on a weekday when it was closed. So we’ll come back soon.) The ruins are surrounded by a village as ancient as the site – and furthermore there are some sorts of more…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza lunch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Pizza for lunch … I like to do a pizza for lunch especially on Fridays. For the record:My better half & I are no explicit friends of store-bought deep-frozen pizza. We never store a supply in our freezer. If there is a specific irresistible craving for pizza we either go to our trusted pizzeria in the neighborhood which serves excellent pizza – not only in the restaurant, but also…

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savoury delights

swimming courgettes

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This morning I was shopping. Food shopping. When Corona times started my better half & I decided to reduce food shopping to once a week & one-stop-shopping whenever possible. Rigorously. Until now nothing changed so far except that we since some weeks have returned to a spontaneous shopping on Saturdays for the weekend … sometimes. (Also our trusted & precious café cum bakery reopened … for fresh bread…

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savoury delights

what to do w/ dull vegetables?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What happened? I opened my fridge & learnt that there were some leftovers … vegetables to be correct. Carrots & spring onions. Also in my pantry there were some potatoes … & in my freezer I had some frozen peas. In each case it wasn’t so much … not enough for whatever … So I decided to make a real big batch of mixed vegetables! Next morning when…

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savoury delights

savoy mess

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This is the end… A savoy mess starts big – w/ this big big savoy cabbage – & finally becomes a soft, juicy mess of savoy, cream, meat balls, bacon & onion…   For the record: In Germany we call this mess just „Durcheinander“ – (hotchpotch). The basis may be a savoy cabbage, however, it may also be a white cabbage or Brussels sprouts or carrots or kohlrabi……

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savoury delights soups

mashed potatoes w/ cream aka potato soup

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Once again: Happy New Year to all of you! Instead of talking about my plans & resolutions for the New Year (NOW!) or doing a résumé of the last year or announcing a decluttering challenge I simply like to present a recipe for really comforting soup you’ll like for this season of the year. (The rest may follow soon… as well as a post about our pre-Xmas stay…

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