sweet delights

red semifreddo

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   The heat wave: it’s merciless, intensifying, suffocating … After almost 2 weeks of heat I wasn’t in the mood for cooking or baking. Most of the time we has some light, fresh salad w/ fresh baguette, cold cuts, cheeses … When coming across these delicious red currants I suddenly had an inspiration: what about some really simple and fresh ice cream, homemade of course, topped w/ red currants.…

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sweet delights

last minute summer ice cream

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I admit I rarely have a container w/ ice cream sitting in my freezer.   For the record: There is the exception that I just bought a container of exquisite vanilla ice cream for my espresso mania i. e. to create espresso affogato whenever I think I need a little reward … This is btw independent of season, however, it’s no permanent condition.   So sometimes – especially during…

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