sweet delights

jam season: strawberry & raspberry / pineapple & lemon!

It’s summer & it’s jam season … (There are years … I missed this somehow!) So for jam season I tried a mix of strawberries w/ raspberries & lemon (zest & juice!). It turned out to be a very, very red jam w/ a sharp edge of lemon flavour! I started like: … & afterwards I tried a slightly other mix which led to a more orange-red jam: So let’s prepare some summer jam …

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sweet delights

january jam

Last year I wasn’t in the jam business. (It’s mainly because the year before, i. e. 2020, I was a real big jam cooker during summer working w/ strawberries, apricots, raspberries, red currants … So I had a lot of jam jars waiting in my pantry to be opened.) When starting in 2022 I realized that there was no more home-made jam – so out of a moment I decided to cook jam. Which jam?…

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sweet delights

…into the yellow mess!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s really annoying when you discover – mid of winter – that your home-made jams are running out of supply. (I admit that I didn’t produce such a lot of jam last year in spring & summer…) I decided to refill some of the jam jars… well: which jam to make? In winter you may rely on any frozen fruits, but… When aiming at fresh fruits there are…

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salads savoury delights

an array of coleslaw

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What to do w/ a giant cabbage? (I admit: normally I only buy small heads of cabbage fitting for my better half & me, but then… there were only rather big heads on offer, so I decided to prepare a small variety of coleslaw!) I ended up w/ 4 types of coleslaw!   Based on the size of my cabbage I rounded up all the necessary ingredients for:…

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