savoury delights

about aubergine involtini turning into aubergine lasagna

Once I noticed some mouth-watering photos of aubergine involtini i. e. you cut an aubergine lengthwise into thin slices, roast them in the oven, fill some ricotta or whatever inside & roll them up. Then the involtini are placed in a casserole w/ some tomato sauce on the bottom & grated cheese on top & baked. I decided to give it a try. Pondering how to proceed I stumbled across some details. How to manage…

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savoury delights soups

showery weather soup: quick & dirty!

We are back in Germany! It’s October now & suddenly it’s rainy, cold, stormy – sometimes the sun reappears resulting in some warming feeling … but then suddenly the temperature drops again … & raindrops keep falling on your head. That’s exactly the time for a hot soup keeping you warm & comfortable! I remembered my very first approaches to create creamy pumpkin soup … so here’s the recipe for 4 small bowls of soft…

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just pasta savoury delights

quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta

What is this all about? At the moment we are in Northern Spain near Barcelona … so the classic Spanish tortilla is part of the menus. I always liked tortilla since I made the 1st acquaintance of it in a holiday trip on Formentera – decades ago! So I unearthed my post on tortilla … which introduces also a tortilla w/ pasta! Let’s resume … I made a tortilla – straightforward (see photo on top).…

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savoury delights

courgettes in italian mode

We are still in Northern Spain … & there is a great offer of courgettes! So I remembered my post for courgettes in soffrito – no sooner said than done … (Although it’s an Italian recipe it’ll work fine in Spain.) Some time ago … my better half & I planned to do a roasted chicken … & I meditated on what to cook as a partner to the meat. Both of us opted for…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta w/ broccoli

Back now from Belgium for about 3 weeks & entangled in preparing the planned move. Did I mention that we lived in our house for about 20 years … a spacious house … enabling us to fill it w/ furniture, framed pictures, memorabilia, books, DVDs … whatever. We plan systematically – starting w/ a list of all our possessions, small & big … deciding what to do. Is it still ok, working, useful? Do we…

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savoury delights with rice

chicken korma my way

It’s hot outside. Ongoing.Fortunately the nights are somewhat cooler now than before. In the morning I really enjoy starting into the day w/ Qigong in fresh air. Therefore cooking & baking isn’t so popular w/ me right now. Nevertheless sometimes … I decided to do some Asian cooking meaning it’ll be a quick affair. (… & I could make 4 servings so that my better half & I would get twice lunch or dinner.) Also…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza lunch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Pizza for lunch … I like to do a pizza for lunch especially on Fridays. For the record:My better half & I are no explicit friends of store-bought deep-frozen pizza. We never store a supply in our freezer. If there is a specific irresistible craving for pizza we either go to our trusted pizzeria in the neighborhood which serves excellent pizza – not only in the restaurant, but also…

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savoury delights

a quiche loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Here is another example for using my loaf baking tin… This time I remembered quiche & made a quiche loaf. The basic idea comes from one of my cookbooks (Sophies Cakes by Sophie Dudemaine). What to do w/ a savory cake? It’s best to combine it w/ a fresh green salad, a simple green salad… It’s a perfect dinner treat especially when you have been busy all day…

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