salads savoury delights

oven-baked vegetables – leftovers …

What to do w/ leftovers? For a dinner event during weekend I prepared lots of oven-baked vegetables. It was delicious accompanied by some chicken filled w/ lemons & rosemary, a generous mix of fresh basil leaves & pressed garlic under the skin for especially flavoring the chicken breasts. (Maybe you think that the vegetables accompanied the chicken …) We all enjoyed the dinner …, however, some of the oven-baked vegetables remained on their plate afterwards…

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savoury delights

lemon flavoured mozzarella

Today there is another approach for a really refreshing mozzarella dip perfect for fresh baguette accompanied by crisp white wine. I found this recipe years ago at Jamie Oliver; during one of his TV shows he simply chopped & mixed everything. You know his casual style of cooking … which I really like! The result doesn’t look so spectacular, but it tastes like freshness, lightness, melting in your mouth!

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just pasta savoury delights

one pot pasta tomato in southern france

We are still in Southern France in a tiny & minimalistic kitchen … It’s pasta time: we often enjoy pasta dishes because they are so easy to create. I especially like the one pot pasta approach. It’s quite a long time ago that I posted about one pot pasta tomato, but it’s one of my favourites, although I adjusted the dish a touch. Back then I thought about my approach as the mother of all…

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savoury delights

insalata caprese i. e. simply caprese

It’s still winter, the nights are bitterly cold under a clear sky w/ sparkling stars while during the day the sun tries to warm up the air. So – the mood is full of spring … This morning I was outside walking for almost an hour in this fresh crispy air invigorating my body & soul. What to eat? I wasn’t up for any elaborate cooked meal, but longed for some freshness on my table.…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza w/ ham & mushrooms

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Another Friday – another pizza.(Okay – I post this on Monday!) Today we’ll get a home-made pizza – almost at once. However, it’s a rich pizza, enough for lunch & dinner for my better half & me. I started w/ a ready-to-bake pizza mix: you’ll only have to add warm water, then mix & knead. The basis consists of flour, dry yeast & baking powder … some oil. It’s…

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just pasta savoury delights

the day-after lasagna

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Usually I compose my lasagna adding layers of pasta, tomatoes, meat, vegetables, cheese … I put it in the oven & about 30 min later there is a delicious sizzling lasagna waiting to be cut into pieces to end up on a plate. This time I prepared a lasagna that is meant to rest for about some hours – or even better for a day – before served. I…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza lunch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Pizza for lunch … I like to do a pizza for lunch especially on Fridays. For the record:My better half & I are no explicit friends of store-bought deep-frozen pizza. We never store a supply in our freezer. If there is a specific irresistible craving for pizza we either go to our trusted pizzeria in the neighborhood which serves excellent pizza – not only in the restaurant, but also…

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savoury delights

parmigiana di melanzane between lasagne sheets

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – Advertising. Some time ago on her blog eat in my kitchen Meike Peters (I wrote about her books) presented a perfect recipe for parmigiana di melanzane. I decided to try it & announced likewise alongside. My better half, not a real aubergine lover, thought about it & asked if we might add some pasta … So I grabbed not only aubergines, tomato sauce & cheese, but also some lasagne sheets…

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savoury delights

more sandwich: pan-fried tuna mozzarella melt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m somehow obsessed w/ sandwiches. Nothing changed so far. Maybe it’s a by-product of Corona Times. Working in home office, no canteen, no lunch meetings in cafés or so … all is homebound, all meals are at home. So what to cook each day? A sandwich seems a fine idea. If you use a substantial bread, thick & big slices, adding substantial ingredients … & it’s an easy…

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savoury delights

pizza quiche mess

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Pizza or quiche? I love pizza & I love quiche. So suddenly an idea grow in my mind: Why not combine pizza & quiche? The outcome? In certain way it’s a mess, however, a delicious mess. Soft & juicy. Totally Italian w/ the texture of a quiche.     I made 2 approaches which differ mainly in the amount of tomato pulp I spread onto the pizza pastry.…

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