savoury delights

finocchio’s mess

One of my favorite blogs some years ago created a blog category called THE SHITS I EAT WHEN BY MYSELF. (Here she presents all the recipes she cooks fast & easy for herself when hungry, feeling cold, feeling alone, distressed, stressed out …) When doing this fennel mess for the umpteenth time I realized that this is a candidate for such a category – if I ever had such a category! What is it about?It’s…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta, pesto, pecorino … meatballs!

… & my series of pasta dishes continues while we are still in Northern Spain! I learnt from Juls’ Kitchen that „pasta w/ meatballs“ originally isn’t Italian, but an American invention (same as for Alfredo, chicken parmigiano …), however, there’s also some pasta recipe from Jul’s granny creating very tiny meatballs. Inspired by this post I started my own version of pasta w/ meatballs. I managed to create some creamy pasta w/ lots of pesto…

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ruins & lasagne

Whenever the weather now in spring is fine – i. e. blue sky & lots of sunshine – my better half & I like to make a short trip to an interesting spot near our home in Carcassonne. Unfortunately the weather is very shifting – from a fine day to a day filled w/ storm & rain showers overnight. There are lots of spot worthwhile to be visited around us especially lots of castles, churches,…

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savoury delights

savoy mess

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This is the end… A savoy mess starts big – w/ this big big savoy cabbage – & finally becomes a soft, juicy mess of savoy, cream, meat balls, bacon & onion…   For the record: In Germany we call this mess just „Durcheinander“ – (hotchpotch). The basis may be a savoy cabbage, however, it may also be a white cabbage or Brussels sprouts or carrots or kohlrabi……

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savoury delights

vhm loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   To disclose the vhm shortcut: v is vegetables, h is herbs & m is meat. We are preparing a classic meat loaf w/ lots of vegetables & lots of fresh Mediterranean herbs: a meat loaf you may enjoy hot, warm or cold as well.     I got my inspiration from this cookbook* out of the foodblogger’s universe which combines traditional German cooking w/ Mediterranean flavors…    …

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