sweet delights

limoncello ladyfingers … after a 24h chill!

It’s summer & it’s hot: it’s the season for preparing another alternative to the classic cocoa powdered tiramisu – a fresh one, a light one, one w/ overpowering lemon flavour! It’s summer & it’s hot: it should be a fast & easy preparation the results marching straight to the fridge for chilling. … & because of the high temperature I skipped cracking raw eggs for using the raw egg yolks for the mascarpone cream: I…

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sweet delights

makeshift wannabe tiramisu

  We are on the Italian road again… you know: Omnes viae Romam ducunt! (So now you know that I learnt some Latin at school… in the spirit of my food blog it’s simply: go to Rome resp. Italy & you’ll learn about the best desserts ever!) Tiramisu: Imagine a (big!) rectangular casserole filled w/ ladyfingers soaked w/ espresso & fine liquor, covered w/ mascarpone cream finished by a thick layer of cocoa. You may indulge…

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