sweet delights

ricotta cake with mashed berries

This cake is so simple and easy. You can use it again and again. It’ll go fine always … & anytime of the year. Depending on the seasons you can add some fresh fruit or some mixed-berry-sauce or some chocolate sauce or whatever to create your own special cake event. One approach is flavoring the cake with lemon or orange flavour & adding fresh fruit e. g. fresh berries. Okay – you won’t have fresh…

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sweet delights

oranges in cake

I told you that I got a new toy. For my 1st baking adventure I stuck to the rules, however, now it’s time to adjust. At least a little! So: What are oranges in cake? For the orange I worked with: (Of course you may substitute orange juice for orange liqueur, although he flavor will change a little.) … & what is the ultimate partner of orange flavor? It’s dark chocolate. The result was simply…

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sweet delights

sponge – jam – cream layer – fruit

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. It’s summer. This year there is a real summer – seems so at least (until now). The sun is blazing, there is rain every now and then meaning that in the garden and anywhere else all is green and thriving. Sometimes it’s hot and humid – my better half & I are not so fond of it. Anyway … what to cook & bake? I suddenly remembered my sponge…

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sweet delights

a fresh fruit loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   A cake loaf w/ fresh fruit… This isn’t my 1st try. To be honest: my overall experience is that a cake w/ fresh fruit likes to collapse due to too much fresh fruit – or to be flavorless & dry due to the lack of enough fresh fruit. Therefore I’m always skeptical when folding in fresh fruit into batter. (More than once recipes in books/blogs proved incorrect!). However,…

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sweet delights

an orange & ricotta loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m still in my loaf cake mania… & I made progress in my test series… What’s new? I made a ricotta loaf w/ orange flavour.     …& I topped it off w/ chocolate icing!   For the record: At first I tried to do a ganache, but it didn’t work out as I anticipated. You may know by now when having followed my blog that „me &…

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sweet delights

a simple vanilla loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Why is it so difficult to bake a simple loaf cake? This is an earnest question because during the last months when trying to get a simple – or rather „a rather simple“ – loaf cake it ended in some more or less small disaster. So I decided to start a test series. However, for the moment admire my perfect result for a vanilla loaf: I didn’t fiddle…

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