savoury delights

royal potatoes

Royal potatoes aka gratin dauphinois aka potatoes dauphinois aka potatoes au gratin aka a creamy potato bake … Lots of names for one of the most delicious side dishes ever known! Le Dauphin used to be the title of the heir to the French throne for centuries … while dauphinois is related to the French region Dauphiné where this side dish originates. Dauphin is French for dolphin – a dolphin is part of the coat…

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just pasta savoury delights

a book, grey sky & tagliatelle gratin

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Let’s start w/ the obvious! Today is one of these grey days – last week we had lots of them w/ lots of rain. Now it’s getting really cold. During the coming days it’ll be below zero day & night, however, almost no snow. (This – the lack of snow – may be horrible if you crave for a walk in crisp white snow surrounded by snow filled trees…

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