savoury delights

happy hour shortbread in southern france

Imagining it’s happy hour: chilled white wine (or rosé wine) & smooth red wine are awaiting their destiny, gin tonics & vodka tonics are mixed or whatever else – in the very middle of all the drinks sits a plate w/ crispy crumbly cheesy spicy shortbread cookies … We are still in Southern France enjoying happy hour at times … so I started to make some savoury shortbread to enjoy w/ the wine – instead…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & parmesan & pine nuts

It’s a simple & easy pasta dish.(To add some flavorful edge also quite a lot of lemon juice & lemon zest found its way into the pasta bowl.) Do we need a recipe? Is it worth a post?Yes, because there are these great soft roasted pine nuts all over the pasta – freshly roasted just minutes before added. There is also freshly grated Parmesan, fluffy & creamy at the same time, delivering a sharp edge…

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savoury delights

quick & dirty tart

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I didn’t plan this post. Usually I think about what to cook or to bake or to create, then I buy whatever I need if it isn’t already lounging in my kitchen pantry or fridge … Then I start the adventure & take lots of photos … This time I simply decided to make a tart – an adhoc decision. I had no plan so far to create a…

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savoury delights

pizza w/ toppings

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. During the last weeks … months I was working on pizza. I love pizza. Either I eat pizza at my favorite Italian restaurant or I order pizza & pick it up from the restaurant. Or I make my own pizza at home. (I admit that there is another option: buying frozen pizza, but honestly – no frozen pizza can keep up w/ pizza from restaurant … & definitely not…

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