savoury delights

pizza w/o tomatoes

Is a pizza w/o tomatoes really a pizza? I think it is a pizza, because I didn’t intend to create any new type of quiche or tarte flambée. Except of the lack of tomatoes the rest fits in a traditional pizza creation. The tomatoes – if like a tomato sauce or tomato pesto or fresh tomatoes?I simply substituted ricotta for tomatoes. So the basic creaminess of the pizza remained & the ricotta mingled w/ the…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza w/ ham & mushrooms

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Another Friday – another pizza.(Okay – I post this on Monday!) Today we’ll get a home-made pizza – almost at once. However, it’s a rich pizza, enough for lunch & dinner for my better half & me. I started w/ a ready-to-bake pizza mix: you’ll only have to add warm water, then mix & knead. The basis consists of flour, dry yeast & baking powder … some oil. It’s…

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