savoury delights with rice

rice … burnt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Sometimes I’m old-fashioned. I’ve got a notebook – a notebook w/ pages made of paper, a cardboard cover … where I gather recipes, most of them are ripped out pages from any magazines fixed w/ sticky tape. Honestly, most of them rest there until my notebook is exhausted & I decide to straighten up (i. e. next step is trash). Well – in our digital world my last notebook…

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sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. It all started with … watching Brigderton starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021. My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series. During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021…

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