sweet delights

clafoutis with plums

End of August I stumbled across plums in my trusted food store – the first plums of the season. At once I got some ideas about plum cake, plum sheet cake, plum cake w/ crumble … Finally I decided to create a clafoutis w/ plums. To be honest I’m not a fan of any plums like plums uncooked … plums always tend to be rather sourish. However, if cooked or baked plums are great w/…

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sweet delights

clafoutis w/ morellos

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. It was beginning of autumn when I tried a clafoutis w/ cherries i. e. morello cherries. Of course there weren’t any more morello cherries in the market so I relied on a jar filled w/ already pitted morellos (only slightly sugared!). Morellos are great in a clafoutis, however, I think you may also work w/ plums or blueberries or raspberries … More coming soon – at least in my…

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