savoury delights soups

lazy butternut stock

I had a fine butternut sitting on my kitchen desk for some days & decided to try an approach for a soup w/ lots of vegetables. I had some carrots, some frozen peas & some spring onions. What else? There was some bacon in my fridge & I thought it might be a fine add-on concerning the flavour. … & of course I had some of this dark green, intensive pumpkin seed oil for the…

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savoury delights

sweet & spicy butternut mash

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Today we’ll prepare another butternut mash, however, this time w/ spices from the East giving the mash a mix of sweet pumpkin flavour, Asian background & a hint of hotness – of course you can indulge in real hotness if you like.     The butternut mash will be fine w/ any meat or fish. I’m thinking of steak or pork cutlet or chicken breast or just fish…

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savoury delights

mashed potatoes? no – it’s mashed pumpkin!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Autumn arriving boldly – it’s pumpkin season! Well… the popular hokkaido is available year round by now, however, some species like butternut, the big Halloween pumpkin etc. are only available in autumn until early winter. I think that I posted more than once pumpkin dishes – my favorites for working with are still hokkaido and butternut.   For the record: During my childhood, my teens, my twens… &…

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