sweet delights

last minute summer ice cream

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I admit I rarely have a container w/ ice cream sitting in my freezer.


For the record:
There is the exception that I just bought a container of exquisite vanilla ice cream for my espresso mania i. e. to create espresso affogato whenever I think I need a little reward … This is btw independent of season, however, it’s no permanent condition.


So sometimes – especially during summer or just before Xmas – I resp. my better half & I suddenly crave for ice cream, homemade ice cream, something special. So it happened on a wonderful sunny, hot Saturday. I started thinking about & evaluating what to find in my pantry. I was lucky.



In my pantry there was a can of sweetened condensed milk looking forward to its destiny. (I cannot remember of using sweetened condensed milk for anything but homemade ice cream or key lime/lemon pie.)

I always have my fridge stocked w/ Greek yoghurt. It’s summer: so a nice ice cream w/ yoghurt isn’t out of scope.

… & I thought about fruit!

My last post was about jam days; you’ll find that I made a batch of summer jam among others. I defined summer jam as a mix out of chunky cut peaches, nectarines & apricots w/ a solid hint of vanilla: absolutely great for my ice cream.

So what do we need?



It’s just:

  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • Greek yoghurt
  • fruity jam
  • almond flakes.

Let’s start w/ the almond flakes: if you happen to have some roasted almond flakes in your pantry – fine. (Maybe it’s the leftover of a recent baking adventure.) If not start frying the the almond flakes in a pan.

Be careful – within minutes the almond flakes tend to burn.


For the record:
I didn’t pay enough attention this time. So some almond flakes got burnt. I picked & discarded … some darker almond flakes won’t spoil the mess.



Start mixing the sweetened condensed milk & the Greek yoghurt. Add the jam. Add the roasted almond flakes.



Pour the mess in a container of at least 1000 ml capacity & a matching lid. The container has to be freezer proven.

Put the container in your freezer … After about 1 hour stir the mess w/ a spoon. After another hour: same procedure. After 1 more hour …  I think you got it.



Finally you get after about 5 hours a wonderful creamy fruity homemade ice cream.


For the record:
This is a no-churn ice cream.
I don’t own an ice cream machine … it’s all manual.



Admire the creamy texture!



If you store it in your freezer for several days, of course, the ice cream gets hard. Very hard. Your freezer will work at -18° C as mine does – so it’s obvious. I recommend to retrieve the ice cream container from the freezer & let it rest at room temperature for about 15-2o min before you start scooping the ice cream.




last minute summer ice cream
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 hours
Servings: 10
  • 400 g sweetened condensed milk (1 can)
  • 300 g Greek yoghurt
  • 200 g summer jam
  • 40 g roasted almond flakes
  • 2-4 tbsp liqueur (orange liqueur, limoncello, Amaretto, dark rum ...) - OPTIONAL
  • 1000 ml container w/ lid - fit for freezing
how to:
  • if you don't happen to find some roasted almond flakes in your pantry (from any previous baking adventure) ... Roast the almond flakes in a pan for some minutes. Watch continuously - don't burn the mess!
  • Mix sweetened condensed milk, Greek yoghurt, summer jam & almond flakes w/ a spoon.
  • OPTIONAL: Add the liqueur!
  • Fill the mess in a container fit for the freezer.
  • Let it rest for about 5 h in the freezer; mix every 60 min w/ a spoon.
Servings: Maybe 10 serving, maybe only 6 serving - it depends ... on you, your family, your friends ...
Cook Time: It's the time for freezing the mess!!!
Almond flakes: you may use only 20 g or even up to 50 g according to how much you like the intense flavor of roasted almonds.


(information on equipment)