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clafoutis with plums
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Servings: 4
  • 500 g plums (before rinsing, trimming & pitting)
  • 250 ml milk (full-fat/whole milk)
  • 60 g fine white sugar
  • 2 packets vanilla sugar (about 2 tbsp)
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 75 g all-purpose flour
  • butter (for the tart form)
  • icing sugar (for serving)
  • tart form (Ø 26 cm)
  • electric handheld mixer
how to:
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C fan.
  • Butter the tart form.
  • Rinse the plums, trim the plums, halve each plum & discard the pit. Then cut the plums into small slices. Set aside.
  • Mix sugar, vanilla sugar & the ground cinnamon (optional). Add a pinch of salt.
  • With the electric handheld mixer: mix the eggs until fluffy. Add the sugar mix & mix until fluffy.
  • Sift the flour onto the egg-sugar mess and mix until well combined. Avoid any lumps of flour!
  • Pour the flour mess into the tart form.
  • Distribute the plums evenly all over the flour mess.
  • Bake for at least 45 min.
  • Sprinkle some icing sugar generously all over the still warm clafoutis.
  • Serve warm - or at least at room temperature.
Servings: It's 4 large servings - you may also go for 6 or 8 servings!
Plums: You may also work with about 300 - 400 g plums. However, don't exceed the 500 g limit!
Baking: After 45 min the clafoutis is still soft. If you like it more solid add another 10-15 min to the oven session.
If there are any leftovers store them in your fridge. Next day they'll be fine cold out of the fridge.
No experience w/ freezing. (I won't recommend it!)