sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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sweet delights

the square cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I bought a new baking tin. Of course I already own some baking tins … you’ve met them whenever I’m baking (springforms & loaf tins, a Bundt cake pan, tart forms …), but nevertheless you always stumble across a new product. Since several months I’m intrigued by simple flat cakes – rectangular shaped – which can be cut into nice small pieces. A baking tray is too big &…

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sweet delights

rhubarb ricotta rectangle

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Rhubarb appeared – finally – in the market resp. in the fruit & vegetable corner of my trusted food store. Since some years I’m a rhubarb fan. (I admit that I wasn’t fond of rhubarb when I was a child, a teenager etc. – old habits die hard: so it took me some years to appreciate rhubarb.) I like the fresh young stems – especially the slim ones of…

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sweet delights

out of the moment spice cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are still approaching Xmas – the ultimate time of the year for baking! It happened that I suddenly on an afternoon thought about baking … some cake? So I checked my kitchen, the pantry, the fridge … Fortunately I’ve always got some supplies on flour, sugar, eggs & all the trimmings of baking like baking powder, vanilla extract etc. Aside from that … Some days ago I…

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