savoury delights

toast & spinach & egg

Hungry? Crispy toast … a creamy spinach-cheese-bacon mess … a baked egg still soft … Sometimes when it’s only me & myself for lunch I like to prepare some simple toast: easy to assemble, fast to prepare, but appeasing my appetite w/o working like a stone in my stomach afterwards. (Furthermore these toasts are also welcome for my better half & me during weekend breakfasts … in varying designs.) All starts always w/ a nice…

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savoury delights

mashed fishy sandwich

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This sandwich is dedicated to process leftovers of fried fish fillet – whatever kind of fish: if cod, if redfish, if hake … I made this sandwich out of the moment when I happened to have some pieces of fried fish fillet in my fridge. My better half was delighted – & so I decided to do it once more for my blog w/ all the photos etc.…

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savoury delights

a plain toasted sandwich

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m still in my sandwich phase. I still have leftovers from my baked vegetables. Especially there is a batch of Spanish green peppers. Today I try a toasted sandwich. … & I don’t use the sandwich maker which I adore sometimes when I need something warm & filling at once. In a sandwich maker you can just pile up slices of toast, vegetables, bacon … cheese. On top…

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