savoury delights

happy hour salmon in southern france

Happy hour is on the agenda … what about some homemade salmon paté? We are still in Southern France, in Carcassonne … Also in France there is a happy hour & sometimes we enjoy a leisurely happy hour in front of our current home, sitting in the spring sun & having a glass of wine. I found this easy approach to salmon paté in Rachel Allen’s cookbook, worked then with the ingredients available at the…

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savoury delights soups

mashed potatoes w/ cream aka potato soup

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Once again: Happy New Year to all of you! Instead of talking about my plans & resolutions for the New Year (NOW!) or doing a résumé of the last year or announcing a decluttering challenge I simply like to present a recipe for really comforting soup you’ll like for this season of the year. (The rest may follow soon… as well as a post about our pre-Xmas stay…

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