savoury delights

tomato mess, cheese, arugula … pizza!

Am I an avid pizza baker? Honestly, not really … I like pizza, but there is a brilliant pizzeria not far from our home where you may order pizza by phone,  just pop around & grab it. Nevertheless sometimes I’m in the mood for a homemade pizza … When starting w/ homemade pizza there are 2 points to clarify: Concerning the pizza crust it’s generally possible to do a rectangular pizza or a round one…

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savoury delights

pizza w/o tomatoes

Is a pizza w/o tomatoes really a pizza? I think it is a pizza, because I didn’t intend to create any new type of quiche or tarte flambée. Except of the lack of tomatoes the rest fits in a traditional pizza creation. The tomatoes – if like a tomato sauce or tomato pesto or fresh tomatoes?I simply substituted ricotta for tomatoes. So the basic creaminess of the pizza remained & the ricotta mingled w/ the…

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savoury delights

friday’s pizza lunch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Pizza for lunch … I like to do a pizza for lunch especially on Fridays. For the record:My better half & I are no explicit friends of store-bought deep-frozen pizza. We never store a supply in our freezer. If there is a specific irresistible craving for pizza we either go to our trusted pizzeria in the neighborhood which serves excellent pizza – not only in the restaurant, but also…

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savoury delights

pizza w/ toppings

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. During the last weeks … months I was working on pizza. I love pizza. Either I eat pizza at my favorite Italian restaurant or I order pizza & pick it up from the restaurant. Or I make my own pizza at home. (I admit that there is another option: buying frozen pizza, but honestly – no frozen pizza can keep up w/ pizza from restaurant … & definitely not…

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savoury delights

pizza quiche mess

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Pizza or quiche? I love pizza & I love quiche. So suddenly an idea grow in my mind: Why not combine pizza & quiche? The outcome? In certain way it’s a mess, however, a delicious mess. Soft & juicy. Totally Italian w/ the texture of a quiche.     I made 2 approaches which differ mainly in the amount of tomato pulp I spread onto the pizza pastry.…

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