sweet delights

chocolate cake & the importance of eating healthy

This is a chocolate cake. A simple chocolate loaf.(It’s a chocolate cake w/ chopped pistachios which are optional.) Is this a healthy cake? Maybe you’ve already made an educated guess … This isn’t a brand-new post – I published it about 4 years ago. Then I’d like to present a recipe for chocolate cake & some insights – my very own! – about healthy food in general & especially about posts featuring the It-word healthy.…

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sweet delights

apple cake & a new toy

Since Xmas I have a new toy: a new baking tin. It’s a classic one concerning the size, however, there is no non-stick coating. So I studied the instruction & decided to work exactly as recommended – meaning to use butter generously for the baking tin & finish w/ flour. (To prevent becoming this last step a mess I worked over my sink when adding the flour, shaking the baking tin & turning it upside…

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sweet delights

pistachio-chocolate-ricotta cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. What do we get?There is a crumbly pastry worthy for any tart. There is a creamy ricotta filling w/ hints of chocolate & orange. (I thought about adding orange to the title, but then I realized that it would be too long …) There are minced pistachios for a slightly crunchy finish. I got the idea for this cake from Skye McAlpine’s 1st cookbook A Table in Venice. It’s…

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