sweet delights

apple cake & a new toy

Since Xmas I have a new toy: a new baking tin. It’s a classic one concerning the size, however, there is no non-stick coating. So I studied the instruction & decided to work exactly as recommended – meaning to use butter generously for the baking tin & finish w/ flour. (To prevent becoming this last step a mess I worked over my sink when adding the flour, shaking the baking tin & turning it upside…

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just pasta savoury delights

a book, grey sky & tagliatelle gratin

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Let’s start w/ the obvious! Today is one of these grey days – last week we had lots of them w/ lots of rain. Now it’s getting really cold. During the coming days it’ll be below zero day & night, however, almost no snow. (This – the lack of snow – may be horrible if you crave for a walk in crisp white snow surrounded by snow filled trees…

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sweet delights

it’s xmas – it’s panettone time!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This season I decided to bake my 1st panettone. My inspiration came from Meike Peters’ 365 giving me a basic recipe to start with. Of course I made some changes – mainly, I didn’t work w/ grated orange zest & chocolate, but w/ vanilla extract & a mix of raisins & candied orange & lemon peel.   For the record: It is a panettone based on yeast dough.…

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sweet delights

out of the moment spice cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are still approaching Xmas – the ultimate time of the year for baking! It happened that I suddenly on an afternoon thought about baking … some cake? So I checked my kitchen, the pantry, the fridge … Fortunately I’ve always got some supplies on flour, sugar, eggs & all the trimmings of baking like baking powder, vanilla extract etc. Aside from that … Some days ago I…

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