just pasta savoury delights

lasagna filled w/ vegetables

A crispy piece of lasagna: it’s comfort food from the best! If you like your lasagna less crispy just take it our of the oven some minutes earlier … The mozzarella will be really chewy, however, all is fine under the mozzarella i. e. inside the lasagna! Although we need quite a lot of ingredients it’s a surprisingly easy & fast pasta dish. Let’s start w/ the vegetables … 1st step: preheat the oven to…

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savoury delights

about aubergine involtini turning into aubergine lasagna

Once I noticed some mouth-watering photos of aubergine involtini i. e. you cut an aubergine lengthwise into thin slices, roast them in the oven, fill some ricotta or whatever inside & roll them up. Then the involtini are placed in a casserole w/ some tomato sauce on the bottom & grated cheese on top & baked. I decided to give it a try. Pondering how to proceed I stumbled across some details. How to manage…

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just pasta savoury delights

the day-after lasagna

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Usually I compose my lasagna adding layers of pasta, tomatoes, meat, vegetables, cheese … I put it in the oven & about 30 min later there is a delicious sizzling lasagna waiting to be cut into pieces to end up on a plate. This time I prepared a lasagna that is meant to rest for about some hours – or even better for a day – before served. I…

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