savoury delights

quick & dirty tart

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I didn’t plan this post. Usually I think about what to cook or to bake or to create, then I buy whatever I need if it isn’t already lounging in my kitchen pantry or fridge … Then I start the adventure & take lots of photos … This time I simply decided to make a tart – an adhoc decision. I had no plan so far to create a…

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savoury delights

it’s asparagus & more w/ hollandaise sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Voilà – our dinner! We had magnificent green asparagus w/ fresh potatoes & Italian ham … topped w/ some dollops of home-made hollandaise sauce. Of course it isn’t difficult nor stressful to prepare asparagus & potatoes as well as to arrange some boiled ham on a plate. The crucial challenge is the hollandaise sauce. For the record:There is always the option to buy a ready-to-use hollandaise sauce. I admit…

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savoury delights

presto, presto – do your very best sauces!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Last weekend I made sauces. My better half & I indulged in homemade sauces: top left: yoghurt based mayonnaise top right: sauce hollandaise bottom left: remoulade bottom right: mayonnaise. It sounds a little too much (at 1st sight!), but I had planned our weekend meals ahead & thought it would be nice to have home-made sauces for brunch & dinner. So I started to prepare the sauces –…

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