savoury delights

courgettes in italian mode

We are still in Northern Spain … & there is a great offer of courgettes! So I remembered my post for courgettes in soffrito – no sooner said than done … (Although it’s an Italian recipe it’ll work fine in Spain.) Some time ago … my better half & I planned to do a roasted chicken … & I meditated on what to cook as a partner to the meat. Both of us opted for…

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savoury delights

baked greek meat balls

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I found a recipe for baked Greek meat balls on the food blog The Mediterranean Dish, however, I thought: Isn’t it more Greek if there is also some feta involved? So I started my own version w/ additional feta sealed up in the meat balls.     When starting you’ll need some onion, some garlic & a bay leaf to be fried in some olive oil until soft. (It’s…

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