just pasta savoury delights

feta & tomatoes

The 1st step … The Businesswoman’s Kitchen has got a new look! It took me some weeks thinking about a new look, designing some new look, looking for a solution – i. e. a new theme – and finally plunging into the cold water by applying it. Of course I’m not finished with anything … there remains a lot of fine tuning – even maybe some major adjustments. So be surprised what happens during the…

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salads savoury delights

green peas & green spinach leaves

It’s mid of November: all over the internet food blogs indulge in Xmas cookies, Xmas cakes, Xmas whatever – Xmas dinner suggestions didn’t surface until now. I’m not so ready for this Xmas business at the moment … I think some fresh & easy to prepare weeknight dinner is also appropriate. I also didn’t start any Xmas baking so far. I’m not in Xmas mood so early in November – although everywhere in food stores…

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savoury delights

baked greek meat balls

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I found a recipe for baked Greek meat balls on the food blog The Mediterranean Dish, however, I thought: Isn’t it more Greek if there is also some feta involved? So I started my own version w/ additional feta sealed up in the meat balls.     When starting you’ll need some onion, some garlic & a bay leaf to be fried in some olive oil until soft. (It’s…

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