sweet delights

chocolate cake & the importance of eating healthy

This is a chocolate cake. A simple chocolate loaf.(It’s a chocolate cake w/ chopped pistachios which are optional.) Is this a healthy cake? Maybe you’ve already made an educated guess … This isn’t a brand-new post – I published it about 4 years ago. Then I’d like to present a recipe for chocolate cake & some insights – my very own! – about healthy food in general & especially about posts featuring the It-word healthy.…

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sweet delights

once again: now rhubarb & strawberry & chocolate

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I couldn’t resist to try another version after rhubarb season – rhubarb bake!. There are lots of rhubarb outside as well as strawberries – we are only in June. So I thought a mix of both might be quite nice. …& additionally I opted for chocolate cake…     So let’s start w/ this wonderful mountain of prepared fresh rhubarb & strawberries.

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